Bella Tobin

I am an assistant professor in the mathematics department at Agnes Scott College in Atlanta, GA.

My research interests are arithmetic dynamics and number theory. I am particularly (but not exclusively) interested in post-critically finite maps, the connections between arithmetic dynamics and arithmetic geometry, and the role of dynamical Belyi maps in arithmetic dynamics.

In 2022-2023 I was a postdoctoral scholar at Oregon State University working with Clay Petsche. From Fall 2019-Spring 2022 I was a post-doctoral fellow at Oklahoma State University working with Paul Fili. I received my PhD from the University of Hawaii in 2019 under Michelle Manes. Since 2021 I have spent my summers working with Thrive Scholars.

You can reach me at btobin at

I believe that mathematics should be accessible, inclusive, and fun. I also know that math is difficult. Even if you don’t know the answer today, that doesn’t mean you won’t know it tomorrow. Math can show up in unexpected places, and I want my students to have the confidence to tackle mathematical problems in the real world. I am always happy to chat about how these views influence my courses.

“It’s not a boring place to be, the mathematical world. It’s an extraordinary place; it’s worth spending time there.” -Marcus Du Sautoy

Upcoming events:

  1. JMM 2025:
    Co-organizer of AMS Special Session on Arithmetic Dynamics of Single and Multiple Maps
    Speaker in AMS Contributed Paper Session on Number Theory and Field Theory
    Speaker in AMS Special Session on Rethinking Number Theory
  2. Speaker at ACME Lecture Series at Agnes Scott College February 11, 2025
  3. 58th Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference (Speaker)
  4. Southern Regional Number Theory Conference 2025
  5. 2025 AWM Research Symposium (Special session organizer)

Recent papers:

Tori Day, Rebecca DeLand, Jamie Juul, Cigole Thomas, Bianca Thompson, Bella Tobin. Dynamical Irreducibility of Certain Families of Polynomials over Finite Fields. Available on Arxiv: 2409.10467. Submitted.

Angelica Babei, Manami Roy, Holly Swisher, Bella Tobin, Fang-Ting Tu. Supercongruences arising from Ramanujan-Sato Series. Available on Arxiv: 2408.08844. Submitted.

Jacqueline Anderson, Emerald Stacy, Bella Tobin. On a slice of the cubic 2-adic Mandelbrot set. Available on Arxiv: 2401.09394. To appear.

Angelica Babei, Lea Beneish, Manami Roy, Holly Swisher, Bella Tobin, and Fang-Ting Tu. Generalized Ramanujan-Sato series arising from modular forms. In Research directions in number theory—Women in Numbers V, volume 33 of Assoc. Women Math. Ser., pages 87–131. Springer, Cham, 2024. Available on Arxiv: 2202.13253.

John Doyle, Paul Fili, Bella Tobin. Stochastic equidistribution and generalized adelic measures. Available on Arxiv: 2111.08905.